General Articles
Village Politics: Ever Decreasing Circles
As the last shred of tinsel and gallette is cleared away, the starting pistol has been fired in the UK to hail that other non-escape ritual - A General Election. In keeping with traditions, the media is clearing the decks to make way for startling headlines (‘Nick Clegg’s grandmother was a spy’), policy sound bites and, crucially... Read more
5th Annual International Media Event 2014
Once again The Riviera Woman has been invited to take part in the media event taking place on Tuesday 25th March... Subject of the debate: 'Human Rights - How can the media help to do more?'
General Articles
Media as a Weapon.
It is a hot topic and one worthy of discussion. Media has been changing for many years. Is it all for the better? Questions are being asked...
International Media Seminar 2013
The media seminar takes place this year in Nice with the topic 'Media as a Weapon'. The Riviera Woman is delighted to be back on the panel.
The Media Event 2011