General Articles
Action Innocence - Fundraising at Hotel de Paris
"Action Innocence" celebrates it's 10th year protecting children on the internet. The work must continue.
The amount raised through the event €136,000!
Art and Artists
Art and Science Unite
Education for Art and Science Dinner at the oceanographic Museum.
Promoting the importance of employing artistic skills, such as drawing and sketching, in the education of Nature and Science. Read More...
General Articles
Monaco Yacht Club Welcomes New Members
On Wednesday evening, December 12th during the traditional YCM winter cocktail HSH Prince Albert II welcomed the new society members and presented a report on the activities of the club and the progress of the new clubhouse.
The most convivial moment was when the new members exchanged their ties for the one with the logo of the club and celebrated with a toast of traditional blue drink representing the sea.
Photo by Celina Lafuente de Lavotha: HSH Prince Albert making his presentation surrounded by the members of the board
General Articles
Monaco Participates in One-Day-On-Earth Project
Filmmakers worldwide celebrated the 12.12.12 and Monaco also contributed with their own special footage.
General Articles
Spice is Nice... Viva Forever
The Spice Girls have influenced the music scene with their vivacious personalities and catchy songs.
And now 16 years after they were formed, we have Viva Forever, the musical.
Read more and see the Spice Girls on video.
People and Places
Author Francesco Bongiovanni sums up the European crisis
The Private Equity and Venture Capital Association held their end of yesr General Assembly at The Monte Carlo Bay.
Guest speaker was author Francesco Bongiovanni.
Read more and see video of a recent talk he gave about the Decline and Fall of Europe.
Art and Artists
This says it all...
Have the best day! Anna Fill - The Riviera Woman
General Articles
Casino Square in Monaco Becomes a Magical Christmas Forest
Let the Christmas show begin...
People and Places
Journalist Tina Kieffer and her association
Tina Kieffer, former News Editor for Marie-Claire comes to Monaco to talk about her association « Toutes a l’Ecole» (Everyone to School).
Celina Lafuente de Lavotha tells The Riviera Woman more...
General Articles
Yummy Bacon-Flavoured Dog Treats
Victoria gets to work in her Pet Country Kitchen to make yummy bacon-flavoured doggy treats.
A great Christmas gift too for your special pet.