Anna Fill Interviews
Dimple: Star In The Making
Getting out and about is what makes me realise that without 'real women', The Riviera Woman has no meaning.
My own career, which stems from a love of the arts and the world of music and theatre, made me realise that if you want something so badly, you can make it happen. This was very much the case when I met Dimple.
I was introduced to Dimple by her Manager and Promoter, Alexandre Clericy, who has taken Dimple under his wing and is helping her achieve her ambition. The entertainment scene here locally differs so much from that of the UK, where the opportunities to expand one's musical direction is greater. True dedication and good support from the local community is the make or break for artists such as Dimple.
It really was a pleasure to talk to Dimple, who was charming and her desire to share her love for music was enthusiastic.
Here Dimple takes time out to talk to me.
Like most entertainers, Dimple sings a wide selection of songs to suit venue and crowd. I was delighted to hear that she now performs her own material and that she is working on her first album.
You can hear one of her own tracks "Real Woman" in the video below. I look forward to following her career and to hearing her first album which she plans to release later this year. Dimple really is a real 'Riviera Woman'.
"Real Woman" performed by Dimple
See More on: Miss Dimple P Official