Health and Beauty
The Balancing Act
In life we always look for balance. We seek to achieve a good work-life balance and try to maintain a balanced diet whch is also key to having a healthy mind and body.
Let's explore balance...
Balance in the physical term means being able to keep steady without falling and occurring fall-related injuries.
Research has discovered that people who are better at balancing are less at risk of brain blood vessel damage.
Try this test: See if you can balance on one leg for 20 seconds. Do this whenever and wherever you can; whilst waiting for the kettle to boil or when you are brushing your teeth, for example.
What can we do to improve our balance?
Keep practicing the balance test on both legs which you can do anywhere.
When you are out and about, choose the stairs as this will help to build the lower leg muscles and walk up escalators.
Yoga is one of the best forms of activity you can do to will help improve your balance.
Try the half moon pose (below) and the tree pose (above left)
...and for an easier version you can use a ledge to lean on.
Anette Shine XXX
Telephone No. +377 97 77 78 01