Woman of the Month
Woman Of The Month - Janie Arnold
Janie Arnold is a mother of 9 year old twins, married to Ashley and has lived in France since 2002.
She has had a property management business, and now Janie works on renovating properties, painting furniture and decorations for clients. The business is about to expand, to offer Furniture Painting Courses.
She lives in Vence with her family, 2 dogs and 5 cats.
For those familiar with the BBC programme Blue Peter, Janie became a Gold Blue Peter badge winner when she pulled 3 people out of Lake Windermere with her dinghy, aged 11. Bravo Janie!
It was a pleasure to read Janie's replies to our famous 5 little questions...
1. What makes you smile?
One thing that always makes me smile is watching an elderly couple walking together, holding hands. So often, we forget those little things that we used to do when dating, and I wonder to myself, whether they are on a first date, or have been married 40 years plus – who knows!
I am an animal lover, and so those peaceful times when walking my dogs either in the forest, or along the riverside. Seeing them meet other dogs and becoming playful.
I have met lots of interesting and friendly people when I am out with my dogs, and always part with a smile.
Having friends over to play board games (especially during the winter months) and enjoying the rivalry and friendly competitiveness.
Lastly, driving along the Bord de Mer between Antibes and St Laurent du Var. At this time of year, I have the majestic mountains to my left, with their snow covered peaks, and to the right, the blue Azur sea. It makes me feel enormously blessed, and immediately banishes any negative thoughts that I may had have moments before.
2. What or who inspires you?
My father has been a source of inspiration to me. We lost my mother to cancer, a few weeks after diagnosis, when they were both 44 years old and I was 13.
Janie Arnold and her father
We were in the middle of moving house, and he had just taken a promotion at work. Suddenly he was left with a confused, scared little girl, angry at having to live with family members. He had to work, look for a new home and care about me, whilst all the time grieving the loss of his wonderful wife.
The road was a rocky one, but he has always been there for me, even if he thought that I was making a wrong move. Knowing he was always behind me has helped me take chances in life and have a positive outlook.
3. Do you believe in gut instincts?
Absolutely, I use mine nearly all the time.
I think as you grow older you have experience behind you. Age is a powerful thing, using our gut instincts we learn to say no, and not just do things to please other people.
But also on a more positive note, we learn when to say yes, as we can look further ahead to the outcome. Our gut instinct helps us push for something we believe in and helps us go that extra mile to see something through to the end.
I wish I had had that insight in my late teens, early twenties!!!!!
4. Your three essential things if you were stuck on a dessert island would be what?
A solar energy source, as I would like have my Kindle with me. I try to read every day if possible, and I would play games to keep my mind active.
Also a book called The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook, by Joshua Piven. Each survival skill is explained in simple steps with helpful illustrations. The author consulted numerous experts in their fields to discover how to survive various and sundry awful events. Watch out any bear that comes close to steal my food stash!
5. If you are planning a day/night out, what do you enjoy doing the most?
Each year we hold a garden picnic. I love bringing people together, and making new friends. It is a very relaxed affair, everyone brings along a picnic, and sometimes a friend or two.
We play games, such as sack races, egg & spoon, and have a fun raffle. The pool keeps us cool after all the running around. Lots of fun and laughter, for all ages.
This is one of my favourite days of the year!
The Arnold Family