Woman of the Month
Woman Of The Month - Claire Healy
Claire Healy is the first to be featured in our: ‘Woman of the month’. Claire lives in Nice and owns Attika International. This is a series to recognise the special women across the Riviera. We asked Claire 5 little questions and this is how she replied:
What makes you smile?
I was driving from one appointment to the other earlier this week and coming back to Nice I rounded the corner from the port onto the Prom, and the Baie des Anges was spread before me sparkling in the sun. That made me smile. I feel so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world. A really good shopping spree also makes me smile though…..!!
Who inspires you?
Anybody who gets up and takes the leap to live their dream. We had a lovely elderly couple in the agency earlier this year. They were in their late 70s and had always wanted to live abroad so they decided to do it and bought a little one bed apartment near the centre and moved over here permanently. I see them regularly and they are so happy to have made the move but I think it was very brave to do at their age, and especially to do it permanently. They’d sold their place in the UK and started a whole new life. I admire that kind of bravery – living your dream no matter what it is instead of just talking about it…
Do you believe in gut instincts?
100% although I’ve been proven wrong a few times.
Your three essential things if you were stuck on a dessert island would be what?
I take it I’ve got no phone access or laptop. That’d be a nighmare for me. I’m an email addict! Ok well the first thing would be a Kindle with an everlasting battery with loads of books including a DIY MANUAL for surviving on a desert island. I wouldn’t have a clue what to do so I’d need some help or I’d fade away in 3 days. Next would be mascara because even if a rescue ship came by for me I wouldn’t come out of the cave without my make up of course. And finally a big supply of Dairy Milk. Everything else I’d be eating would be berries and fruits so I think I’d need a bit of indulgence to get me through the days…
When you go out for the evening, what do you enjoy doing the most?
I love eating out and the fresh food down here is so good! I’m trying to be a bit healthier at the moment and found a great bio restraurant in St Laurent du Var called Dame Nature and I really like it. Otherwise in Nice I love La Petite Maison, they do great fish. I’m also fond of the African Queen in Beaulieu sur Mer too. Evenings at the Note Bleue in Monaco in summer are always fab and I’m dying to try the Cipriani if anyone wants to invite me. If the evening goes well and the wine has been flowing them I’m also partial to a little boogie wherever there’s a bit of music. Preferably Abba. I’m a bit naff in my musical tastes….
Every month we will feature a different Riviera woman from all walks of life, nationality, profession... If you would like to nominate someone, let us know. You can email us on: editors@therivierawoman.com