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General Articles

Mr. Regis Asso is named as Director of Public Safety in Monaco

Monaco Government has announced that HSH Prince Albert has named Mr Regis Asso as the new Public Safety Director succeeding Mr Andre Mulhberger who had left his post a few months ago and had been temporarily replaced by Richard Marangoni, Chief of Urban Police division. Mr Asso has had a long succesful career in Nice, Cannes and Antibes notably in the area of security around the organisation of major international events. He  is known for his emphasis in the prevention of delincuency following the example of his father Rene Asso who created the First Police Youth Care Centre in Nice back in 1976.

Photo by Patrick Clemente - Nice matin.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013    Section: General Articles    Author: Celina Lafuente de Lavotha
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