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Showing all articles having tag 'Carfax'


Intensive SAT Preparation run by professional SAT tutors

Carfax Education Monaco will run an Intensive SAT course on Saturday morning 12th April and Tuesday 22nd April to Friday 25th April. 

More details...

Thursday, 27 March 2014    Section: Events

Anna Fill Interviews

Anna Fill Interviews - Dr. Michelle Sisto    

Interview featuring Dr. Michelle Sisto, Educational Consultant at Carfax Education Monaco...

See more...

Sunday, 23 March 2014    Section: Anna Fill Interviews


Carfax Talk on US and UK University Entrance Exams

A free information meeting on US and UK university entrance exam strategies will take place at the CREM (Club des Residents Etrangers de Monaco) on Friday 11th October, 2013 at 19:00.


Tuesday, 1 October 2013    Section: Events

Anna Fill Interviews

Jeanne Spoeri - Carfax Education Monaco    


Interview with Jeanne Spoeri, of Carfax Education Monaco

Wednesday, 5 June 2013    Section: Anna Fill Interviews


Carfax Education Monaco - Event

The Swiss Boarding School Le Rosey and Carfax Education Monaco invite parents to  the CREM (Cercle des Résidents Etrangers de Monaco).

To attend and see further details...

Wednesday, 22 May 2013    Section: Events


Crem Hosts Women's Lunch

Education, Education, Education! Carfax Education Monaco talks at a women's lunch - the round-table discussion will feature "Creative Strategies for Handling Homework".

The date is 8th April 2013.

To book

Tuesday, 2 April 2013    Section: Events


Carfax Eduction Monaco - Open Information Evening

"Successfully Navigating the UK and US University Application Process".

This is the latest open evening event to learn more about the education system with Carfax Eduction Monaco.


Wednesday, 31 October 2012    Section: Events


Education, Education, Education

Education at the highest level.

For the opportunity to learn more about Swiss Learning, you are welcomed to come along to a special evening. Mark the date: October 17th 2012.


Wednesday, 26 September 2012    Section: Events

Anna Fill Interviews

Grisel Damgaard of Carfax Education Monaco    

Interview with Grisel Damgaard - talking about her career change and new project.

Friday, 11 November 2011    Section: Anna Fill Interviews