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Anna Fill Interviews

Anette Shine

From A to Zumba

Anette Shine is a familiar face in Monaco. As true as her name, Anette is a ray of sunshine and will have you feeling healthy and beautiful inside and out.

Anette who runs her yoga classes at the Monte Carlo Bay has created quite a buzz with the new dance craze to hit town - Zumba. It is the keep-fit regime that everyone is talking about.

When I asked Anette why it was so popular, she told me “It makes you feel so alive and exhilarated. The dance moves are set to Latin music and being on the Mediterranean and in Monaco, who could wish for a better location! ”

“Yoga isn't for everyone but anyone can take part with Zumba. It is the best way to wake up your mind and body and everybody has the most wonderful time. When we say 'Join the Party' we mean it. After one hour of dancing, everyone leaves with a smile on their face and without a doubt, in better shape.”

Anette started to teach Zumba in April and the experience has been life changing. Anette who started her career in Monaco twenty years ago as a dancer and choreographer said “It was a natural progression for me to dedicate myself to a four year course in the art of Yoga and now Zumba.” "I spend hours every week learning new moves, listening to new music and I always look forward to sharing it with my class."

Zumba started ten years ago in Colombia by accident. On his way to an aerobics class, the instructor forgot his usual music set and had to improvise using his favourite car music, and the rest is history.

Anette also explained that Zumba is a great way to boost your self esteem and meet new friends. “Anyone can do it... no matter what your age and because everyone is too busy concentrating on watching their own dance moves, no one feels self conscious.

When I asked why she introduced Zumba to her programme, she replied “It was part of my personal development and the need to keep on making a difference to many more people. Come along and try it just once and you will see for yourself why Zumba is so infectious.”

This sounds like an invitation no-one can refuse! You too can 'Join the Party' by checking out the website:

Zumba à Monaco avec Anette Shine by ZumbabyHama

Saturday, 3 September 2011    Section: Anna Fill Interviews
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