The Amber Club
The Amber Club
Dear All,
During our meeting last Friday Februrary 24th, we discussed:
Forgiveness Is the constant:
It isn't necessary to explain the reasons or go over the situation, because that just brings up the past and everyone's perception of the event. Without discussions or arguments, it's powerful enough to just say it, mean it and accept it.
Pride and the Ego can be such a roadblock:
That it's difficult to move forward in relationships and life in general. At some point, paths you might have taken in a relationship or life become blocked by hurt feelings or by the knowledge that you have bneen hurt by someone.
It takes courage and humility:
To give or get closure due to hurt feelings, but once acknowledged and acted upon, it gives one freedom to move forward and opens paths that were once closed. It gives joy and acknowledgement to you ...
Forgiveness is a Gift to You and the person:
It frees the mind and body to move forward without being hampered by negative energy. This gift is FREE and Freeing and can change a person or situation positively. It takes courage to give and to accept forgiveness. Give yourself and someone else that gift today. You will thank yourself for it and free yourself from the ties that bind.
Giving it will also give you the Freedom of NOT carrying the negativity surrounding the pain, ill feelings and stress it brings to your life. STRESS has been shown to be a precursor to some ilnesses.
Free yourself of negativity by forgiving someone even yourself and use that energy for living better in health and wellness. It works and it’s free.
Being able to absolutely forgive:
Is the KEY and DOORWAY to Peace.
It is THE SOLUTION to the Questions:
What did I do wrong? Why did I go wrong? Where did I go wrong?
It is THE ONLY WAY to move forwaard.
Unless we can understand this now, THE AMBER CLUB is going nowhere.
Carrying around the baggage of unforgiveness only damages YOU in ways you can’t even imagine. It will cause eventual ill health and can sometimes end in death.
The meeting closed on an upbeat note.
Our next meeting will be on Friday March 9th, same place same time. I look forward to seeing you all.
"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
it's about learning how to dance in the rain!"