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of The Riviera Woman

Hello. My name is Anna Fill and I welcome you to my website. If you’re a woman living or working on the Riviera or if you are just visiting, this is the place for you. My site is full of inspirational people and interesting articles, so keep coming back and let us help you live your Riviera life to the full!

PS Men: don’t feel left out; you are very welcome here too!

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The Amber Club

The Amber Club

Hello All,

During our meeting last  Friday February 10th, we welcomed a new member to the club.

We discussed the following:

This New Year gives us the gift of more than 525,600 minutes.  What we do with the gift of these minutes determines the quality of our life, the level of our happiness, the value of the memories we create and the difference we can make in the world.

Let go of the past.  Don't waste a good minute worrying about a bad one. Know that everything is perfect exactly as it is. Trust that there is a reason, even when you can't see it.

Embrace change. Resisting change is like trying to swim upstream. Instead, embrace it.  Change is the only constant in our world, everything and everyone is always in a constant state of change. Every ending means a new begining.

SO If you can embrace change to the point where you can look forward to the positive possibilities it could bring, life's surprises will all seem like opportunities to you.

Create a vision - Write out a Bucket list.  Write down 20 things you want to accomplish this year and share it with someone you love. Create a vision board to keep your dream alive!

Pause - Take time for Yourself.   Know that you matter and remember, you  must first fill your own cup before you can give to others. You can’t be a light to the world if there’s no oil in your lamp.

The meeting closed on an upbeat note.

Our next meeting will be on Friday February 24th, Same place same time. I look forward to seeing you All.


"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
it's about learning how to dance in the rain!"