How to turn yourself around.
Do you ever feel like giving up? That it is all too difficult and you can't go on? That it would just be easier to sit back and do nothing?
We've all felt like that at one time or another and I've been reflecting on it a lot recently as I've been editing a book on the topic. My message is that we can't allow ourselves to flounder; the world needs us too much.
What is a Turning Point?
The Turning Point is literally the moment you turn your life around; when you realise your circumstances can't get any worse and in that instant, you pivot your life about by making the decision that you will change things for the better, even though you may not know how. Or it can be a blinding flash of light when everything suddenly falls into place and you know exactly that you have to change your life.
Turning Points are essential.
They may be uncomfortable but we need them to propel us forwards, to change the course of our lives and our careers so we can do bigger and better things. How many times have you looked back on an event which was painful, unbearable, or simply totally unexpected at the time, to realise that it was that very event that pushed you on to achieve the success you have had?
Turning Points are fantastic learning opportunities but we get blocked by a combination of factors including:
We may dress it up in all sorts of other words like 'uncertainty', 'nervousness', 'reluctance' and so on, and many of us are scared of change and the unknown. But we have to find a way through our fears and our anxieties and use them as a trampoline to the next step.
Lack of confidence
We all experience confidence issues every now and again, moments when we doubt a new project or take a deep breath before plunging into a risk. But as women, we share a tendency to be extremely good at being hard on ourselves and very good at knocking our own confidence from the inside as we criticise and put ourselves down! Our lack of confidence and lack of self belief means we prevent ourselves achieving all we are capable of.
Lack of knowledge
We put emotional blocks in our way and allow them to stop us moving forward. But sometimes the practical tools we need may also be missing. We may have ideas of what we could do, but don't know how to start so we need to find out.
How can we make the most of our Turning Points?
Given that these Turning Points are so influential in the total story of our lives, we need the keys to make the most of the experiences, preferably as they are happening, rather than after the event as we all write about in this book.
Three keys to making the most of your Turning Point
1) Know yourself
The more you know and understand yourself and what 'makes you tick', the better able you are to ride the difficult and challenging times and see them as learning experiences rather than blocks.
2) Get support
It's tough to go through this on your own. Even if you have close family and friends around you, it isn't always possible or appropriate to discuss your own 'dark night of the soul' with them or just to chew over your ideas. And, at that bleakest of moments, our own vision is clouded and blurred and it's hard to see our own way through.
3) Amass knowledge
To make that next step forwards, you may need to do research, learn new skills, teach yourself something, ask questions of others. If you are prepared to invest in yourself and your learning, then amazing vistas open up.
Good luck
I wish you the very best of Turning Points as you move forward, your way.
"Turning Points: 25 inspiring stories from women entrepreneurs who have turned their careers and their lives around" is out on 1st November. Follow the authors' progress up to the launch on and
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